Pan-Sautéed Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

Hey friends! Are you one those people that don’t like Brussel sprouts? Or have you been brought up to believe that Brussel sprouts are not tasty. Well, let me tell you…Brussel Sprouts are delicious!
I once was a brussel sprout hater, but after trying out this new dish I have learned to love them. They are so so good and are nothing like they are perceived to be.
Just the other day my mom and I tried out this new recipe, Pan-roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon. It was delicious.
This dish is a great side for dinner or even just an afternoon munch.
So without further ado, let me share this amazing recipe with you guys.
What I love about this recipe is that it takes just 3 simple ingredients. Plus seasoning.
- Brussel Sprouts
- Bacon
- Onions
- Seasoning (Black pepper, Chili pepper, salt/Maggi)
- Mushrooms (optional)
How to make…
First, slice the bacon into medium pieces about half an inch. You want to make sure the bacon isn’t too small so it doesn’t get lost in your dish.
Then, heat up your fry pan/skillet and when heated add your bacon to the pan. The best thing about this recipe is that you don’t have to add any oil whatsoever, the bacon already has enough of its own oil to complete the dish.
Fry the bacon until it is crisped about half away.
Then, chop the onions and add them into the pan. Fry the onions until they are a nice light brown.
Tip: If you want to add in any mushrooms are salad peppers add them in after onion and fry until slightly brown
Next, slice each brussel sprout into half and add it to the pan. Saute the brussel sprouts till browned.
Tip: When the leaves of the brussel sprouts start to fall off then the brussel sprouts are done. immediately take it off the heat so that they don’t get overdone.
Lastly, don’t forget to season to taste with whatever you desire.
Voila, and just like that this dish is ready to be served. The smell alone of this dish will make you want to eat it right away.
I hope you liked this recipe. Comment down below what you think and if you’d tried it.
Till next time,

Welcome to OhEfuaye! My name is Efuaye and I am the writer behind this creative collection of articles. There is something for everyone on this blog! I share my best thoughts, tips, and advice on everything faith, creativity, and lifestyle. My hope is to inspire you with my content one blog at a time. Adding a little extra to your ordinary! Enjoy!
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