Creativity DIY How To's

How To Design A Creative Space Perfect For You

How to design a creative space perfect for you -

Every creative needs a space where they can let their creative juices flow. It doesn’t matter whether you are a full-on interior decorator or just DIY as a hobby — everyone needs that space. 

girl sitting and smiling, how to design a creative space perfect for you -

A creative space doesn’t need to be a full-on elaborate room with immense storage space; it can simply be a small corner or even one of your favorite chairs. Your creative space can be anything that you want it to be; it just has to work for you! 

Here are some tips on how to design the perfect creative space perfect for you!

Work with whatever space you have

Any space works; big or small. Find a place that inspires you and makes you feel comfortable. This could be a room in your home, desk in your room, or a corner on the floor. Wherever you like!

Things to include your creative space:

You want your creative space to include not only areas for organization, but also other things that are important to you. Items that bring back good memories or special moments can spark your imagination while working on a project. 

Artwork or Inspirational Images

These images can be art that you created or someone else’s. You can simply just print out artwork or images from Pinterest that inspire you. This can also include inspirational word art or quotes that keep you motivated. 

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For example, in my art space, I have a canvas of flowers that I painted and my favourite quotes hung up on the wall.


Unless you’re an artist that creates in the dark, you most likely need light. If you have natural light in your space, that’s the perfect place to choose. 

If you don’t have natural light, don’t let that stop you; instead, bring in lamps to brighten up the space. Another great idea is to make use of metallics, which will reflect any light that does enter your space. 

Storage & Organization 

You’ll need somewhere to keep your materials. You can be complex or very simple; it’s up to you. Michael’s and Homesense are great places to purchase storage carts/boxes/containers that can help you organize your materials. 

For a smaller space, or if your art space changes over time, a great way to organize is to make a rolling art cart. Simply get a utility cart and put any materials that you have inside the cart. I use one of these in my space and it is incredible! It holds so much stuff and takes up little space. 

Journals & Notebooks 

Having a couple of journals and notebooks around will ensure that you don’t have to scramble looking for scrap papers. Journals are an awesome way to document your ideas, or clear your mind. Also, it’s a great place to refer back to for inspiration.

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These are my best tips on how to design a creative space perfect for you!

InHerStudio magazine says it perfectly: “A creative space can be a full-blown art studio, but it can also be a small desk in a room or even a suitcase, a box, or a sketchbook and pen. I believe a dedicated creative space is special and can be obtained by anyone. It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg — use what you have. Make space on a surface, set up your choice of materials, and adorn it with something that brings you joy and inspiration.” 

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