
Christmas is over, now what?

Hey friends! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and all that the season had to offer. I thought I’d end this year with this one blog article, “ Christmas is over, now what?”

Now that Christmas festivities are over we are headed straight into the New Year. It is honestly crazy how fast the days go by after December 25th. It’s like every day just merges together and before I know it, I am in 2 days before the start of a new year.

I am not one for cliché new year resolutions, but I am all for goal setting. Every year I always start a new journal, and the first note taken is an outline of my goals for the new year.

I feel like 2020 is going to be an amazing year! I know that God has great things planned for all of us, and I am excited to see what’s in store.

Personally, I want to re-focus myself this year. I want to re-focus myself spiritually, emotionally, and socially.

Firstly, I am really proud of myself for starting my blog last April. It is really weird to think that OhEfuaye has been up and running for 8 months already. However, now that OhEfuaye is a reality I want to really grow my blog in 2020. I want to grow the traffic to my blog, come up with a consistent blog post schedule, and hopefully be able to monetize my blog. I know that God is gonna use OhEfuaye for something huge, and this is just the beginning.

In 2020, I want to strengthen my relationship with God and re-center myself. The beginning of this university term I really felt myself not reading my bible and praying less. I just got so preoccupied with school and life that I would put God at the bottom of my list. Honestly, it just made going through obstacles much harder.

I also want to create new relationships and strengthen old ones. I am the type of person that can be very outgoing but I am also capable of being very comfortable being by myself. So I really hope that this year I can be more social and work towards making new relationships and stronger relationships.

One of the last things I wanna focus on in the new year is to be more open. This is something I struggle with regularly in terms of school, socially, and in other aspects of my life. I hope that in 2020 I can work on opening up and giving a chance for new experiences and new opportunities.

Overall, I would say 2019 was a good year. I am proud of myself for things I accomplished! I have a lot of highlights to be thankful for such as…

  • Starting OhEfuaye blog
  • Working at my first 4 month internship at a pharmaceutical company
  • Joining/writing for the university newspaper and blog
  • Being published 1 time in the newspaper and 2 times on the Campus Blog
  • Successfully completing a Stats course and doing well in it
  • Getting my drivers license
  • Etc…and so much more things!

So with all of that, I’d also like to give you 3 tips on how to set your goals for the New Year.

  1. Start with reflecting on the past year. Make sure not to put yourself down for not completing some goals. Instead figure out why you didn’t complete that goal and if it is something you want to strive for in the New Year.
  2. Write down your new goals for the new year. Make sure you put your goals in a place where you can see them everyday. Most time we set a goal but then tuck it away not be seen. The key to achieving your goals is to putting it in a place where you can see, so that everyday you can have that reminder of what you want to accomplish.
  3. Believe that you will achieve the goals you set! This is so important because to achieve you have to have faith and believe that you can do it. So along with setting your goals, outline the steps that you are going to achieve to get to that goals. This is a good way to track your progress! This can help with setting smaller goals and bigger goals.

As I conclude this article, I hope you all feel driven to take some time to outline your personal goals for 2020. But also take the time to reflect on 2019 and be thankful for what happened but also figure out what you want to improve.

Well that’s it! Just like that the last article of 2019 is now up! So take these last days to get excited for 2020 and I’ll be writing to you next time in the NEW YEAR!

Till next time,

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